Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shopping 101

While getting dressed yesterday morning Hubby announced that if I needed anything from the store to let him know because “he was going to town”.

Now normally that doesn’t worry me, but lately, his little shopping sprees have me hopping.

So being the resourceful girl I am *laughs* I decided I would write him a list. I figured with a list we wouldn’t have that many surprises. Right?

So I get my little pen and put down:

Toothpaste (I’ve squeezed till I can’t squeeze anymore)
Bathroom Tissue
And in big bold red letters on the bottom of the list NO Chicken – Were starting to cluck. (I did put a cute little smiley face on there but I figured I got my point across.) : )

So I was pretty confident when I drove home yesterday, I mean he had a list. He knew what we needed, I thought it’s gonna be fine.

He went shopping alright…and was right proud of himself as he showed me what he got.

He came home with 3 bookcases, 2 wall clocks, 2 baseball caps, a gallon of some purple concoction that is bubble bath, body wash and shampoo combined, 4 tubes of toothpaste & 3 gallons of ice cream.

I’m not sure where we’re going to put the bookcases, we’re squeezed in here like sardines now.
The only empty stop is the corner where he demolished his desk, and something tells me 3 bookcases aren’t going to fit in there.

The clocks are nice, but we already have one in every room, except the bathroom. So I guess we’ll have two in there.

Now the baseball caps are cute – One says “Ain’t I cute”….and the other says “Lookin Good”. Not sure what to say about that. LOL

The gallon…Yes you read right, I said Gallon of purple stuff, I guess I was a little sarcastic when I asked if he planned to wash the cats with the stuff too. He thought he made quite the bargain. I am sure he did if he plans to bathe the whole neighborhood.

I can deal with the toothpaste. I did ask what happened to the bathroom tissue, and his reply was he didn’t like how any of them looked. Who knew there was a prerequisite on what it looked like…*rolls eyes*

I don’t think he needs to go back to Wal-Mart anymore, for some reason all those lights gets him too excited..*sighs* I’m stopping on the way to get shampoo, and I’ m hiding it.

But I’m looking on the bright side…we may be squeezed in here like sardines, but we will be eating ice cream.


leezee52 said...

OMG...I'm laughing so hard that tears are coming down!

Thanks you made my day!

Lee :)

Anonymous said...

my husband might as well not go to the store OR have a list... because he ends up calling me asking me about every item anyway.

your post was funny!

tiarastantrums said...

oh my goodness - I might have to kill him if he were my hubbie!! This is so funny!

I've an idea for the bookcases - just stack them on top of each other to the ceiling to make a reallllly tall unit!!

oh, and I guess you didn't get chicken??

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

Wow.. goodness. My husband usually only comes home with one extra: Ice cream. He's obsessed!

Anonymous said...

LMFAO oh wow that's why the hubby never gets to go shopping alone. And they say women have shopping problems LOL

Elfie33 said...

leezee: Glad I could help you around here is never dull.

Elfie33 said...

jasmine: Thanks for stopping by. My hubby loves to you can tell..*rolls eyes* Sometimes I wish he would call me..that might cut down on the surprises...but I doubt it..LOL

Elfie33 said...

Tiaras & Tantrums: Were having chicken tonight I think. Bookshelves haven't left the boxes yet...don't need to give him any ideas..he would love to do something like that. My house however wouldn't like it..LOL

Elfie33 said...

sarah: Thanks for stopping buy...welcome to my's just a little nuts..LOL

Elfie33 said...

caden: My hubby never does anything in moderation..LOL

Elfie33 said...

Pam: I've always told folks my hubby can outshop anybody I know. I just sit back and watch cuz I can't keep up with him.. : )